Sunday, May 22, 2011

One Final Parental Lesson

Today, with the advent of better health care, senior citizens are living longer more healthy productive lives.

I saw my mother, a very beautiful woman age gracefully. It seemed like she never aged, and out of minor problems associated with aging, at 78 years young, was healthy and still active.

One day, mom called and said very frankly, you'll bury me. In time though I am, "she was 78, on a fixed income," and thought she was just looking forward, and as usual is very practical.

What my mother did not tell me she had cancer. Her cancer was pancreatic cancer, the same type of cancer that is killing the actor Michael Landon. Funny, mom was a smoker, and we always joked about his dying of lung cancer.

Pancreatic cancer is a very insidious one. By the time it was discovered, it was too late, and is also one of the most painful. During the illness, our roles reversed. I became a guardian, a parent.

Mama lived alone, and able to take care of themselves for about three months after her diagnosis. One night, she called and said she has not eaten in 3 days. Within an hour, I was on the road, eight hours later I was in Buffalo.

For me, I think the hardest part was when my mom. This vibrant, beautiful, smiling person who was in the 77 looked like she was 50 years, looked old, frail and bent, and I cried. Suddenly at 55 I was facing lost my best friend, my mother. In some ways, I was looking at my own mortality, I suddenly realized how precious time and life really is.

I never thought of my mother as an old, or even aging. It has always been there, my pillow, my rock. Through it all I've been through good and some very bad, she was there. Her advice may not be what I wanted to hear, and sometimes I know they do not believe I've heard. But I did. And, as I grew older, I realized I was very much like her, had many of her ways ... the good ones and bad ones.

The next day I took her across the street. The hospital, which admitted her and kept for the next three weeks. Her room overlooked her apartment complex, I almost could not fit in the parking lot and wave to her


Every day, I watched her waste away a little bit more, fight a losing battle with the pain, but her fighting spirit refused to give in. The hardest part was watching. Watching a very vibrant, energetic spirit is slowly giving way to a fifth mild disease eats away the body.

In the beginning we could only have fallen lumps on the hands and feet, as the disease progressed, we started seeing them. Since mom was size 10 and had about zero body fat, she did not have much left to fight with. human spirit is an amazing thing, when everything else starts to go, it seems to grow stronger. her began to soar.

After three weeks, I brought her home with me. Before picking it up, I packed bed clothes I knew that she liked, made ​​sure I brush her​​, she had long, beautiful hair, still not completely silver, and her crown. As I closed the door, I realized that the next time I went though, I'd move her possessions.

and then made ​​almost impossible to stop the 8 hour drive. Except for the gassing, and pulling her over for a cigarette, did not stop.

the next three months, some of the most painful physically and soul searing ones in my life. During the course of the sixteen week I had watched my daughter waste away in a coma, and I thought I was ready to handle all the harshness of life could throw at me.

However, nothing, nothing could prepare me.

where he once had a clean, bathed, fed, pick up after it was read, patted hugged me, it's now my turn to do the same for her.

As the pain grew, we called the nurse to help. However, the pain that his own employer, no matter how much we have given pain medications, seemed to do nothing for a long time. When the body is in pain, we have become the means. We do not want, or do not say, but the pain is the means and we lash out to try to stop the hurt.

One of the hardest punches when it came to have their hair cut. Mom has always had long hair, and as I child I used to love to sit down and brush it. Until now, even her hair touching her cause pain. At 78, her hair is not completely black, although black is not the correct word, bright silver will be a more accurate description of


I think that cutting hair was her only concession to the pain she gave.

I remember one days out of the shower, leaning against the wall crying and asking God to her. Nobody should be in the amount of pain.

Mama's appetite began to fade, so finding something like it becomes harder and harder. Finally the broth is all to cope. So far, we realized that he could no longer care for her at home, and the painful decision to put her in the hospital is made​​.

One of the hardest things is to invite the remaining aunt and uncle to let them know how short the time was, Mom was asking about them, my son and grandson were out of state to visit her other grandmother. My mother never knew that a third great-grandchild was going to make appearances in several months. Although my second son was nearby, for the first time in my life I felt completely alone.

My aunt and uncle came to my son and his family were there the next day. It's almost as if they were waiting for them. Within a week she went into a coma. Mama was in a room with four other women, who kept each other company. That day, she was moved to a private room.

A few days later, just sitting there, I saw how loose it really has become, it is hardly a lump in the bed. After fifteen minutes I went. ---- I knew he knew that the body is there, but will that my mother was gone, although the body is still breathing. Perhaps for this reason, the room felt empty.

leaving the hospital, I went to a local funeral home and made ​​arrangements. The next morning at 7:35, I got a call. Mom is no longer in pain.

My mother gave me the last hour. How to fight a debilitating illness and die in dignity,. live life to the fullest, loving those around you, have a deep abiding faith and thank God for every day

I learned to appreciate the sunsets because no two are alike, to play with and laugh with my grandchildren, to listen and appreciate the wisdom of my children have to learn from the bad, and to really appreciate and learn from good our experience and receive. All small petty slights and hurts we receive, they do not really mean much in the scheme of things.

If, at the end of my life I can show the same grace and dignity, my mother showed, then I really accomplished something this life.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Oily Skin Dilemma: What Can You Do

hormonal imbalance and increased production of oil producing glands in the skin result in oily skin. waPuberty causes a sudden influx of hormones that often trigger an oily skin, making it harder for teenage students. During this period, young people are already struggling with many issues: their peers, studies, family and the determination of just who they are. When oily skin acts up, its apparent rough, glossy appearance and resulting in blemishes (acne sometimes) give young people even more stress.

the stress that comes from oily skin appearance, combined with the normal stresses of life, young people can contribute to falling grades and other behavioral issues such as: explosive outbursts, unexpected and unlawful behavior. No, it does not mean that oily skin is causing all this, just that it causes stress contributes to it. By keeping watch on your teen, you can help keep your confidence and self esteem high. Part of this is to help them look and feel your best. Please understand that this is only a small part of helping young people and that serious problems May need assistance from external sources, these sources may include therapists, psychologists, and / or a psychologist


Cleaning of 3 to 4 times a day (especially before bedtime and after awakening) withrm water and very gentle, antibacterial cleaning (such as organic honey) will help remove excess oil without stripping or drying skin. When cleaning, you should massage your face with tiny circles all over his face, concentrating on areas oiliest. Follow this with a mild toner such as witch hazel (chamomile toner is even better, see our article, Oily Skin Tips, Part II). Then use a good moisturizer. This is an important step, because your skin is too dry will try to compensate for a lack of moisture producing more oil. Many skin care products designed for oily skin cause a vicious cycle, because they strip the skin dry too.

alpha hydroxy acids in the form of fruit acids and milk (which contains glycolic acid and moisturizing properties) do very well with oily skin as a general rule (see our article, Alpha hydroxy acids). Removing old, excess oil and dead skin cells helps to open pores and some food. This results in the oil glands that regulate themselves better. acid breaks down the debris and oil clogging them, remove their dark, the more obvious results in the appearance of pores, which appear less. Those who wear makeup can use the juice from organic cucumbers as a toner for oily areas, because the makeup will go on smoothly over this. If you have severe breakouts, using pure aloe vera gel (directly from the plant) will help in the fight against bacterial infections, too. Pimples are the result of bacterial infection, with pus in the way your skin is trying to isolate bacteria and squeeze the pores and hair follicles. Other natural substances that have positive results on oily skin are:

Aloe Vera

apple juice (freshly juiced)



of the essential oils of lavender

Lemon essential oil

lemon grass essential oil

lime juice (freshly juiced)

Sweet Root

tomato juice (freshly juiced or pureed)

Pure lemon juice (freshly juiced, it should not be left on site, see our article, Oily Skin Tips, Part I)

The essential oil of peppermint

Rose essential oil

sage oil

The use of organic ingredients in any system of home treatment, as well as ready-to-use system for skin care is recommended, especially with oily skin because it requires more care than normal skin and dry skin requires. Does not contain organic ingredients of pesticides and other man-made chemicals that have proven to be associated with behavioral disorders and may be carcinogenic. Using organic ingredients and / or purchasing certified organic skin care, you can avoid these possibilities.

Can You Leave it Alone?

This is what I was, in frustration, yelling at Sparky (my labrador £ 100) each time you lick your wounds. He got angry when he shaved groomers for the first time. This is my sister proposed to avoid so much hair shedding. Instead, all I did was shed for 4 months of sorrow and his wounds would not be better. It has not gotten infected, because I gave him antibiotics, I went to 2 vets, apply sprays to vet gave me, and holistic creams and muzzle, collar, a special "no bite" collar I bought off the internet, etc. .. . He is mighty stubborn dog. I also went through countless gauze, bandages and tape that has pulled off.

Last week I found a foot brace with a hard plastic cover in a CVS pharmacy and thought it would work. He managed to find a way to yank it off. Of course, he does when he sees that I'm not looking. And to boot, I work from home, so I'm constantly on guard.

the other day, I even put the red pepper out of turn. It looked like it would finally work, but the next day, he was licking the cayenne pepper! When I lose it, he looks at me with those puppy dog eyes and I go and give him love, stroking him and hug him in the hope that it will work. (All to no avail!) The problem is that if left untreated, his feet would have to get amputated.

I give up layoffs, frustrated with migraine and yelling angrily at him: Can I leave it alone? Longest left the bandage on any three days, when I stayed inside at home watching it 24 / 7 I told my son the other day I felt like one of those intervention programs for addicts. But he's just a dog. His instinct is to pay attention to it. And believe me, that's all he does.

I'm 21 days process in November, facing its financial meltdown. I did this for myself and ended up turning a negative into a positive. Instead of sticking your head in the sand and ignoring what is happening, I have gained so much power and to realize where I was heading. Maybe Sparky's wound was flipping something that I needed to heal. I realized in my worst financial condition of the inside and I value what I have been able to contribute. My responsiblity in these 21 days was started as a way to show my son the value of not giving up my dreams. And by day 21, I did something I never dreamed would happen. I sent the manuscript of a book publisher.

what shall we do as a human being? We do the opposite. We always avoid treating our wounds, because it hurts. It takes a lot of will and determination to pay attention to these things. Who wants to feel the pain anyway? We distract ourselves that there is no end of pain and suppress our own cause with an addiction to ignore the signs that tell us to slow down. 2009 was a good year to streamline and get more focused on their true nature. Outdoor signs are all over the place. We must pay attention and shift the course of our lives. You never know what surprises may occur.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to Get Dreadlocks the Right Way

Many spirited individuals to ask this question. It is necessary to know the correct way on how to get dreadlocks, so it will be all worth it. Dreadlocks are the matted hair threading person. This person is someone that is carefree and does not think the others in making a statement about their locks.

the first step in getting dreadlocks is to buy a wax or wax horror that is specifically designed to form dreads. Before starting dreadlocks, wash your hair with shampoo that is free the rest. Do not blow dry or towel dry hair, just let it dry naturally. This is done to maintain the natural friction of the hair.

to start the process, your hair should be tied to pieces, so you'll have a unique look, or you can do differently so that it is experimenting by size, so you'll have something more unique. After the division into sections, remove the rubber from each section one by one and begin twisting the hair back and forth again and again. Add the wax you bought while still continuing the twisting sections of hair until it will lock together. By twisting it all over again and again, then more dreads or locks will be formed. Continue on with other parts until you are satisfied with the results. Remember getting dreadlocks will take you hours to do it. So, just be sure you're up on how to get dreadlocks in the right way.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

An Evening With Germans in Asia

Walker was very friendly. His long, curly hair resembled that of the Hindu priest.

It was strange among other Germans, especially German Praktikum (internship) students. He was a good conversationalist, and although he was not fluent in English, managed to express great. He always asked me after each word whether his pronunciation was correct, because the same word in English and German languages ​​have different sounds.

told me that in the middle of our conversation that the Germans in the northern part of Germany are very intelligent because the northern land is so flat everywhere and you could see the horizon everywhere, causing people to think more and more becoming a naturally intelligent. But he joked about moving away from its earlier view that people are surrounded by the Alps and surrounding valleys of the region in Bavaria too could go on mountain tops and get a broader vision, and they also could become more intelligent.

I do not know if this is true or not, but in my own experience and my observations, people in the northern part of the Indian Ocean's Island - Paradise too often regarded as intelligent people. I wondered because of these factors, whether the others are considered too intelligent. flat land anywhere near Palmyra trees may promote the intelligence of people in Northern flat land too if Walker was right in his arguments.

Walker and his friend who had come with table tennis team from Germany, invited me to the beach where she played volleyball team. We were sitting near the playground and watching the marvelous fineness of these players. Tim came to celebrate New Year 2006 celebration in Sri Lanka from Germany and happy team of many who are in their late sixties youth, with a mixture of men and women. There is a girl in her late teens, that attracts me a lot as she was directing her staring eyes, everything in the vicinity around it, and a deep study of everything and everyone. Two other young women and young girls with older people in their late sixties were playing so wonderfully and played enthusiastically on the ground adjacent to the beach by the Indian Ocean.

twilight began to turn into complete darkness everywhere. All who have played volleyball went to sea for a dip after long hours of hard play. The sea was a bit quiet and peaceful, and they went a few meters away from the beach and now we can not see them as bogus a steep near the sea - at the level of the sandy beaches of our site. If we wanted to have a look at them we need to standup, because they can go further to the deep-sea area. They were there in the sea for nearly half an hour and returned back to the beach.

A young girl was coming towards us as her towel was placed near us. Her slim body outlines on the background of deep reddish dark sky, the image evoked more or less than the angels who come to us. It became known to me when we were having our dinner on the beach near the restaurant Aquarius Sports Resort Hotel as we sat in the adjoining tables. After dinner, at her table, those who came from Germany with her ​​began to celebrate New Year's fun - game. They started to play some of the innovative games that I have not come across before or heard. They were rolling the dice, and then the winner in the rotation can choose what he wanted from the covered swimming pool stuff. They had gathered valuables those in Germany and brought them all the way from Germany will be celebrations in Sri Lanka.

Although there were shouting and clapping in the course of the game, she used to look at me often to see if I was watching the game and enjoy, or drawing my attention to them.

I gazed with fascination at the stars in the dark sky above the Indian Ocean through the wide window-less side -. wall of the restaurant, and then turned his attention to the happy Germans fun and fantasy in Asia

into a fascination with two of the world was an unforgettable experience in my life.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Am I Getting Enough?

Many people are worried about whether they are getting enough essential vitamins and minerals the body needs in their daily diet. Here are 3 examples of how you can tell if you are deficient.

Vitamin A - it is a fat soluble vitamin that is stored in the liver, so it can be used by the body when needed. It helps strengthen the immune system to fight infections and is important for skin, bone, and vision. Vitamin A is found in fruits and vegetables that are red, orange, yellow and dark green, especially carrots.

is also found in eggs, fish, liver and dairy products. However, too much vitamin A derived from the liver can be toxic, which can increase the risk of bone fractures - this does not apply to non-animal foods. You could be deficient in this essential nutrient, if you suffer from dry eyes or difficulty seeing at night.

Magnesium - this mineral helps to regulate heart rate, insulin, and energy production and nerve function, reduce blood pressure and helps to relax your muscles. Magnesium is depleted of stress and physical activity. It is found in brown rice and other grains, nuts and seeds and dark green vegetables. You could be deficient in this essential mineral, if you suffer from leg cramps and muscle spasms, sleep and waking up feeling very tired. If you suffer from PMS, your magnesium levels may be low. People who eat lots of processed foods may find that they become a lack of magnesium.

Zinc - this is an extremely important mineral, vital for the immune system, as well as for healing, growth and digestion. It could even help with fertility. body can not store zinc, so you need to make sure you get enough in their diet. High levels of zinc can be obtained from the oyster - but if it does not appeal, you can get it in red meat and poultry, beans, peas, whole grains and nuts. You could be deficient in this essential mineral, if you get lots of colds, skin problems or even hair loss.

to check with your GP if you're worried about any symptoms that you May be suffering from the above.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Saving Money With Business Gas Credit Cards

an economic crisis caused by high gas prices not only affects individuals and families, but most often affects business. It does not matter whether you own a small business, mom and pop corner store or a wealthy conglomerate bent on taking over the corporate world. Need gas and gas is high. At the rate the economy is going and the lack of renewable energy sources, it is only going to get more. If you're tearing your hair out about how to reduce, here are some options that should be taken into account.

There are many ways to save money when a job is spending on gas. Some of them are practical and simple. Simply stop using the company vehicle for unnecessary trips. Why not give rewards to employees who travel to work? Converting gas allowance for commuting or carpool allowance for its employees. Think about how to reduce costs for a specific type of job. If you have a small company that delivers pizza for free, add shipping charge. Things like that can help save costs. In this day and age, any small changes you can make will help you save a little money can add up to saving you lots of money.

Sometimes, however, the cost of gas can not be helped. After all, the reason we pay for gas, because it is a basic need for something we use every day. If your company is built around the use of gas, there is no way you can simply stop using your vehicle.

If your business is before or used car or company vehicle on a regular basis, why not consider using a gas card? If you have a gas charge for employees, this is another way of giving them an advantage and saving your company some money. This will save the expenditure of money, a gas crisis going on. It is also a great way to track how much gas is actually used by your company and later, will help you find ways to cut costs.

But how gas cards work in the first place? How can you really save money, and consumption? Gas cards offer a percentage cash back for gas purchases from 2% to 10%. These are but some of the benefits that you get when you apply for gas cards. You can use this and save a boat load operating cash!

But how gas cards work in the first place? How can you really save money, and consumption? Gas cards offer a percentage cash back for gas purchases from 2% to 10%. These are but some of the benefits that you get when you apply for gas cards. You can use this and save a boat load operating cash!


Monday, May 9, 2011

How to Survive Through Affair and Have a Better Marriage Than Before - A Step-By-Step Guide

1 STEP 1 - to remain calm


First of all, after the scandal went public (the mean was admitted to an affair or you just got exposed to), you must remain calm. I know how hard it is to remain calm, the only thing you want to do is to slap on the face and leave home with their children immediately. But what about after that?

I'm really the wrong thing at the time was screaming at him every time he comes home and make big noise at home. It just pushed him away and will continue to be used as an excuse for not coming home.
Instead, you must be treated as a good friend with him and hear his appeal.
At a later stage after I became calmer, I even talked to him about another woman, his heart went for her pain. Yes, I know that my heart was broken as well, but he does not know at that stage. Therefore, you must be very strong. You can find all your close friends or relatives to talk about it, but it does not !!

2 STEP 2 - be a good wife and good mother

a more beautiful you are, the more guilty he becomes.
After all, the affair not only will not happen overnight, there must be something going wrong between the two of you for awhile, and you just do not want to face. They just fill in the gaps on someone else at the moment. Now is the best time for you to make up for what is missing or not done enough. If you can fill this gap, why bother to make the problem of how to support another woman or that they are so busy? All people do not like to be disturbed. Currently these women can be satisfied only seeing each other once or twice a week, but you know that women, after a while, they will be asking for more, and it is time that men get annoyed and want to get away from them!

3 STEP 3 - Find a Marriage Counsellor

On May still be in contact with a third party and are not willing to see the counselor with you.
It does not matter. But I am very sure that you really need some professional help and vent what happened. Go ahead and find a marriage counselor. Their professional advice will help you to think properly. If things go smoothly and her husband might want to tag along with you for some meetings.
This will speed up things faster.

4 STEP 4 - let the ill !!!

Well, this step may be a bit tricky to do. For my case, my husband got a timely accident and was hospitalized for 1 week. He had minor surgery and I was there 24 hours a day and sleeping on a tiny couch. I grabbed for him, prepared breakfast for him, and even swim in it! What man would not get touched when they see that doing much for him? And the best thing that a woman has contacted him one at all! How cruel, but that's exactly what I want! crueler it is, I'm beautiful. Of course, I'm not asking you to plan for disaster for him, but it's really, when people are in deep shit that they need your care the most. Try it and let the weak fall sick! I do not think that women will be going to his house to take care of it right?

5 STEP 5 - get yourself BUSY

You can not be crying and thinking about all the things miserable all day, so keep busy, to start a hobby, get connected with your friends. After all, your world is not just him. For me, I began my hobby of sewing and now I'm focusing on the development of new products in my store. Your spirit just got inspired when you have a passion for one thing.

6 Step 6 - Start Dating Again

If you're lucky enough to forget it that a woman (do not know how long it takes, it really depends for every man, but you must be very very strong in this period survived, things will get better, trust me) Please start dating again! After marriage, it is very common for couples to skip all the romance and surprises. Now is the time to start all over again. May be you were busy with the kids and forgot your grooming, why not get a new hair cut and to make for dinner, just the two of you?

7 STEP 7 - set a time limit and look forward to

I hope that all the above steps will help you survive through a painful time, and remember, be patient and be strong. Set a time limit for yourself and if things really do not work after the border, it is time for you to look forward. If you tried your best and he still comes back to you, why do you still want this man?

Live, love, laugh. We wish all of you will have a blissful marriage from now on.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Credible Doctors Are The Key To The Best Hair Transplant

If you're looking for the perfect solution to your problem with hair loss, there are several methods that field of science is introduced to the public that you can opt for. The most popular form of all those hair transplants. This technique is not difficult to understand when the doctor explained to you.

Basically, the doctors will have to harvest the graft or part of the head that does not suffer from baldness. What we will do is determine the areas that are healthy and continuously growing hair, despite the fact that there are parts of the scalp that can no longer produce hair, of course. In a sense, it is an artificial way of hair restoration with the use of their own.

If you are looking for the best hair transplant doctor that you trust, there are several ways to be able to determine this. First of all, you should learn about how they are authentic. This means that you should know about their experiences and level of expertise. Finding a doctor who charges the competition is just a bonus. important factor here is to be able to find one that can bring the most effective results.

These doctors can be found anywhere. However, you should keep in mind that, depending on the type of procedure you want, there might be cases when you should invest a little more effort in locating them. The reason is because some doctors do not practice certain methods, while others do not support the process in general. Most of these services will be able to find it will only cater to the follicular or follicular transplant or harvest.

The main difference between the two is the manner and length of time it takes to complete the process. Best hair transplant doctor will be able to find those who are able to provide you with all the information you need about the process, as well as provide you the support that patients need even after the procedure done.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Natural Remedies for Your Dandruff Problem

Dandruff is extremely embarrassing and it can often be very itchy too! This usually involves the shedding of dead skin cells on the skin, usually unnoticeable, but with dandruff problem is visible.

Why Dandruff happens and natural ways to get rid of it

Most people believe that dandruff is due to the dry, itchy scalp. However, what you may not know is that dandruff is actually caused by too much oil on the skin.

Ordinary dandruff is often confused with seborrheic dermatitis, which causes large flakes to appear, usually with symptoms also found around the nose, eyebrows or ears.

Also, if the dandruff is quite heavy, it could be the result of psoriasis. Generally, dandruff can occur at any age and both genders and should be treated as soon as possible because otherwise it can get worse.

There are a lot of drugs there, our shampoo to treat dandruff, but not all findings and useful. So, more and more people are turning to natural ways to prevent them from dandruff.

They are cheaper, sometimes more effective, and much gentler on the skin so it is understandable why natural products are becoming more popular.

some natural remedies for dandruff include:


This type of therapy includes a scalp massage. It is believed that poor circulation can often be the cause of dandruff and scalp massage, you're helping restore circulation again


It is important to use sesame oil, and massage the scalp and it should be done in about five to ten minutes, at least once a week. After you have massaged the oil, then get him to shower in the evening with a shower.

Fenugreek is an herb that is also used in Ayurveda, and he thought that if you mix it with honey and eat it, or you can eat it on its own day, it will help us to relive dandruff.


If you still want to use a dandruff shampoo, is there something else you can do to increase the possibility of eliminating the problem. These include shampooing as normal, then let your hair dry before poring few drops of lemon and rosemary essential oils in your hands.

Massage oil into scalp and then brush your hair thoroughly with a soft brush. This is known as an aromatic formula to help with dandruff.


It is believed that the various remedies homeopathy can effectively help to eliminate dandruff. If you have particularly thick flakes that are really itching to wash your hair makes your skin very dry, then Sulphur is recommended. Sepia is also thought to help to soothe and heal the skin moist, sensitive areas of the hair.

vitamin and mineral therapy

linseed oil is known to reduce dander and only a tablespoon a day on something, such as potatoes, could really help you with your problem dandruff. linseed oil reduces skin oil secretion which often flake and cause dandruff.

You can buy flaxseed oil in pill form which can be easier for some people and it is thought that one teaspoon of oil is worth about three capsules. You can find flaxseed oil in most health food stores.

Total number of dandruff can be treated and it should never be left untreated. If left, it really can become much worse, and in extreme cases, hair loss is known to occur. If you have trouble removing the problem, and tried to save everything on the market, it would be better to consult your doctor.

They will be able to give you a proper diagnosis and recommend an effective treatment for you.