Thursday, April 7, 2011

Home Care Workers Guide to Oxygen Safety

Home Care Workers have the difficult job of maintaining a few things in the house. They interact with patients and families, and medical staff who can be visited from time to time. Working with a variety of equipment such as mechanical lifts, wheelchairs, and oxygen. This article will briefly describe how to stay safe at home when working with oxygen. Keep the oxygen away from heat sources such as radiators and sunlight. City oxygen cylinders safely holder in an upright position. Always use water-based lubricant on the lips and hands of patients.

Oxygen itself does not burn. It can feed a spark and cause you to become a large fire in seconds. Signs of non-smokers should be placed outside the front door and placed around the house. Do not allow anyone to smoke in the room where oxygen is used. Avoid open flame within ten feet of oxygen.
It includes an open flame stove and candles. Other things to avoid are: frayed cords, extension cords, with oxygen equipment. Avoid the use of electric hair dryers and razors while using oxygen. Heating pads are great in winter, but they also can be used with oxygen. When you change a person's bedding. Avoid nylon or wool clothing or blankets, because it is more likely to cause static electricity. use cotton. Humidifier in the winter will be used to add moisture to dry air in your home.

Hopefully, this article was informed by the Home Care workers and anyone who works closely with oxygen in order to safely and without incident.


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