hormonal imbalance and increased production of oil producing glands in the skin result in oily skin. waPuberty causes a sudden influx of hormones that often trigger an oily skin, making it harder for teenage students. During this period, young people are already struggling with many issues: their peers, studies, family and the determination of just who they are. When oily skin acts up, its apparent rough, glossy appearance and resulting in blemishes (acne sometimes) give young people even more stress.
the stress that comes from oily skin appearance, combined with the normal stresses of life, young people can contribute to falling grades and other behavioral issues such as: explosive outbursts, unexpected and unlawful behavior. No, it does not mean that oily skin is causing all this, just that it causes stress contributes to it. By keeping watch on your teen, you can help keep your confidence and self esteem high. Part of this is to help them look and feel your best. Please understand that this is only a small part of helping young people and that serious problems May need assistance from external sources, these sources may include therapists, psychologists, and / or a psychologist
.Cleaning of 3 to 4 times a day (especially before bedtime and after awakening) withrm water and very gentle, antibacterial cleaning (such as organic honey) will help remove excess oil without stripping or drying skin. When cleaning, you should massage your face with tiny circles all over his face, concentrating on areas oiliest. Follow this with a mild toner such as witch hazel (chamomile toner is even better, see our article, Oily Skin Tips, Part II). Then use a good moisturizer. This is an important step, because your skin is too dry will try to compensate for a lack of moisture producing more oil. Many skin care products designed for oily skin cause a vicious cycle, because they strip the skin dry too.
alpha hydroxy acids in the form of fruit acids and milk (which contains glycolic acid and moisturizing properties) do very well with oily skin as a general rule (see our article, Alpha hydroxy acids). Removing old, excess oil and dead skin cells helps to open pores and some food. This results in the oil glands that regulate themselves better. acid breaks down the debris and oil clogging them, remove their dark, the more obvious results in the appearance of pores, which appear less. Those who wear makeup can use the juice from organic cucumbers as a toner for oily areas, because the makeup will go on smoothly over this. If you have severe breakouts, using pure aloe vera gel (directly from the plant) will help in the fight against bacterial infections, too. Pimples are the result of bacterial infection, with pus in the way your skin is trying to isolate bacteria and squeeze the pores and hair follicles. Other natural substances that have positive results on oily skin are:
Aloe Vera
apple juice (freshly juiced)
of the essential oils of lavender
Lemon essential oil
lemon grass essential oil
lime juice (freshly juiced)
Sweet Root
tomato juice (freshly juiced or pureed)
Pure lemon juice (freshly juiced, it should not be left on site, see our article, Oily Skin Tips, Part I)
The essential oil of peppermint
Rose essential oil
sage oil
The use of organic ingredients in any system of home treatment, as well as ready-to-use system for skin care is recommended, especially with oily skin because it requires more care than normal skin and dry skin requires. Does not contain organic ingredients of pesticides and other man-made chemicals that have proven to be associated with behavioral disorders and may be carcinogenic. Using organic ingredients and / or purchasing certified organic skin care, you can avoid these possibilities.
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